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Saturday 19 January 2013

Drawn Thread Work

What is Drawn Thread Work?

Drawn thread work is a very interesting form of embroidery work where either the vertical or horizontal threads are pulled and removed from the fabric and decorative embroidery patterns are worked on the remaining threads. It is also called as counted thread work or pulled fabric work. 

They have wide applications in home furnishings. This technique is used only in narrow bands mostly for borders on linen particularly for table cloths. This can also be combined with surface embroidery. 

How to do Drawn Thread Work? 

1) Determine the area for drawn thread band allowing for hem if required. 

2) Tack the area around with embroidery stitch and also mark the center of the band with tacking. 

3) Within the determined area of the band, pull or remove either the horizontal or the vertical threads. you can use small sharp scissor to cut it before pulling but make sure you do not spoil the remaining threads which should not be removed. 

4) Now that you have removed either horizontal or vertical threads, there will be threads only in one direction either vertical threads or horizontal threads. Decorative embroidery patterns can be worked on the remaining threads. But before working make sure the threads look neat. 

5) Start the embroidery stitches from the wrong side of the fabric, work upwards using small back stitches to hold the threads tightly. 

6) Variations can be created by using creativity by dividing the set of threads evenly in a different manner. Overcasting, Button hole, satin stitch etc are used to create variations. 

Drawn Thread Work Decorative Stitches or Patterns

Applications of Drawn Thread Work

Drawn thread work is widely used on linens mainly for table cloths. It is also used on products like pillow cases, handkerchiefs, tray cloths, some scarfs etc.  

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