

This is Nithya, Indian based fashion designer specializing in Indian and Indo western wear for women. I live in Singapore with my hubby and my cute little baby boy and in near future planning to move back to India where i believe my future lies. I believe every women is beautiful no matter what size or color they are when the right choices of clothing design, its color, style, silhouette etc is made. How we look at ourselves is more important and to a great extent has an impact on how others look at us.

 This blog is about fashion and clothing, designing techniques like garment surface ornamentation, textile designing, fabrics etc; style features of clothing; design ideas, making patterns for clothing and apparel; choices of clothing style or attire, jewelry etc.  It is always said first impression is the best impression and nobody can deny that when we look at somebody for the first time we look at their looks and attitude. Make the right choices of clothing styles and attire best suited for you and look great. My future posts will contain ideas of what suits better for whom, how to custom make your clothes etc. Right now the posts are all about basic designing techniques and i will soon be posting about the rest of whatever i have mentioned above. 

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